Saturday 20 June 2009


Thinking of you
by Me

You're the first thing I think of
Each morning when I rise
You're the last thing I think of
When I close my eyes

You're in each thought I have
And every breath I take
My feelings are growing stronger
With every move you make

You're an angel from above
who takes away my pain
My love for you is so strong

Mineral Make up

Pure & Natural - Mineral Makeup

Mineral makeup is actually made from mineral elements from the earth's minerals. It contains a combination of ingredients such as zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, bismuth oxy chloride, iron oxides and others. These minerals are mixed with other inorganic pigments to get the right color.

Mineral makeup do not contain artificial fragrances, colors and preservatives. These ingredients are some of the causes of allergies in many people. They also can be irritating to the skin. It is all-natural and being touted as something that can actually help your skin. It's called mineral makeup.

The benefits of mineral makeup cosmetics:

  • Natural look and feel.
  • Stays on all day long.
  • Good for sensitive skin.
  • It's anti-inflammatory and No harmful ingredients.

Mineral makeup is a great alternative for chemical makeup. Using pure natural mineral makeup every time will make a huge difference to your skin. so if you use makeup, make sure it is mineral makeup.


ne of the first makeup tips you should observe is the importance of finding the the right foundation. It could be the difference between looking as if you have naturally flawless skin or as if you are wearing a mask.

Most women have yellow-based skin. They include most Caucasians and all Asian, Latin and African women. To get that perfectly natural, flawless look they need to wear foundations with a yellow base.

Most foundations on the market however have pink or orange tones. Women wearing these foundations often end up looking artificial, ashy and two-toned. The only true yellow based foundations on the market are manufactured by Sacha Cosmetics.

We also manufacture maximum coverage camouflage foundations. It has awesome coverage, great staying power and is very natural-looking.

After getting your foundation right, the next step is to follow the makeup tips we have provided for you. With a little practice, you will be amazed how easy it is for you to learn to apply your makeup as professional makeup artists.

lip care

We all know the importance of protecting our skin against overexposure to the sun. But did you know that your lips are at a much greater risk of developing skin cancer than the rest of your skin? The skin on your lips is paper thin and extremely delicate, which makes them extra vulnerable to the sun’s harmful rays.

Skin cancer of the lips accounts for 10 percent of all skin cancer cases. Over 3,500 new cases of skin cancer of the lips are diagnosed each year. Whether you’re skiing and snowboarding this winter, laying out next summer, or just cruising around town anytime of year, here are a few things you can do to help you keep your lips protected:

Choose your lipgloss carefully - Because of it’s shiny, reflective nature, some dermatologists claim that applying lipgloss and then going in the sun is the equivalent of taking a magnifying glass and focusing the concentrated sun rays directly on your lips. Wow. I’m a lipgloss junkie and I’ve never realized how harmful some lip products could be. If you’re going to wear lipgloss, choose one that has a high level of SPF included in its formula.


If you want healthier nails or are simply looking for the perfect pedicure or a manicure, here are some must-follow tips:

1. Massage Vaseline into your cuticles once a week. This helps feed the new nail and encourages nail growth. A great time to do this is right before bedtime.

2. Buff your nails! This also helps your nails to grow because it improves circulation. It also helps keep the nail bed smooth. Just don’t go overboard..! Buffing too much can weaken the nail.

3. Stick to one direction when filing your nails. Filing in a back and forth manner places stress on the structure of your nail plate and will actually cause nail breakage down the road. Always carefully file in one direction.

Creative Commons License photo credit: Jacklyn DL

4. To get a few extra applications out of your favorite nail polish, try adding a tiny bit of nail polish remover to the bottle. Make sure the polish and remover are mixed well before applying. You won’t want to try this until that bottle of nail color is almost ready to throw out.

5. Instead of shaking your bottle of nail polish to even out the color, gently roll it back and forth across a table or in the palm of your hand. This prevents air bubbles from forming inside the bottle - and prevents them from ending up on your nails. You want your nail polish to go on smoothly.

6. When it comes to application, you should always apply the following: a base coat, two coats of color and a final top coat. The base coat protects your nail and helps the polish to last longer. It also prevents your nail from yellowing. Two coats ensures even coverage and the top coat adds shine and helps your manicure or pedicure to last as long as possible.

7. Finally, you should always let your nails dry for about an hour before wearing shoes. The polish may be dry to the touch after just 5 minutes or so, but make sure to only wear sandals or flip flops for the first hour to prevent marks and scuffs in your new polish.